macOS Setup Guide for VideoCoin Worker

How to set up a VideoCoin Worker

VideoCoin Workers accept video workloads from the VideoCoin Network, processes and submits it back to the network. This worker is available as a convenient Docker Image that can run on macOS.

Create an account on VideoCoin Console

You can sign up here​

Navigate to the worker tab

Log in and click on the worker section

Add a New Worker

Click on “New Worker” and an automatically named worker is created for you, along with a unique worker ID called CLIENT_ID

Click through on the worker name and you can now see the client ID

Save this client ID

Setting up Docker

Click here to learn how to set up Docker on Mac.

Get the VideoCoin Worker Docker image

You can find the Docker image here.

docker pull videocoinnetwork/worker

Generating a Key

VideoCoin Wallet is compatible with Ethereum, so you can use a standard wallet create a tool like

ethkey generate

Once you have the key, fund the account with ERC-20 VID Tokens to this account on Ethereum Mainnet. You may have to transfer tokens equal to self-stake and some additional tokens to cover transaction fees/gas on the VideoCoin network. For example 50000 VID tokens as required for the current minimum self-stake plus 10 tokens to cover worker transactions.
You also need to fund this account with some Ethereum (for example ~0.1 ETH) for transaction fee on Ethereum Mainnet. This is required to transfer VID tokens between Etherem Mainnet and VideoCoin network.

You can use the worker self-staking tool described in the following document.

Look at the following link for the minimum self-stake required, approval wait periods to run the worker

The VideoCoin Network is a powerful API-first, decentralized video platform that utilizes untapped computing resources to save you money.

Create a Configuration File




Please use a text editor to create the configuration file.
The text that appears after “KEY=” is the content of the key-file created in the section “Generating a Key”.
The text that appears after “SECRET=” is the same as the password created in the section “Generating a Key”.
The text that appears after “CLIENT_ID=” is the client ID obtained in section “Add a New Worker”

Save it into a file called vars.env

Your keyfile and secret are used locally on the worker to sign transactions.

Run the worker

docker run --rm --env-file vars.env videocoinnetwork/worker:latest

That’s it! Your worker will now be waiting to receive work

This is still a bit confusing, is there a more dumbed down version of this? Starting from after Docker is installed. Thanks in advance.

A video showing the step-by-step directions is coming. If you’re caught up in a particular section, please let us know here and we’ll do our best to help.

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Is there information on MacOS users and alternatives to Docker? I downloaded it and it worked for a while but have not been able to open since reboot. Searching on google yields results showing this is a common problem with MacOS users especially those with OS’ newer than High Sierra.

Thanks for going the forum. I’m working with the development team to get an answer to your question.

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Step by step video tutorial would be very helpful… for me and others in the future

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With the video tutorial, can you please assume the person has no development knowledge?

Should we create a new ETH wallet and send VID to it? I currently access everything using a Trezor.

Currently stuck at running the worker, as not sure I’ve saved the vars.env file correctly.

Also not sure what ethkey generate means.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the feedback. We’re developing videos to help with this as we speak

Please share a video tutorial. this is so confusing to set up. Thanks!