Ethereum address not registered

I ran into a problem while setting up my worker. I followed the instructions and created the config file. When I go to start the worker I get the following error:
time=“2020-10-11T09:31:54.302467Z” level=fatal msg=“not registered: 0x461AF8B1161d6a7df81129E1bC4Fc96aa4308aDa” version=v1.1.1-pe-717f3f7

Also I don’t really understand if I have to put 50k tokens in that address or not.
If it is necessary I think that’s a pretty bad barrier to entry because that’s more than 3600$ at current exchange rates…

Thanks for your help !

The worker needs to self stake 50k tokens. The worker address will be registered with the VideoCoin blockchain at the time of self-stake. The error ““not registered: …” is due to missing of this step. Thanks for the feedback on staking amount.